2025 Officers

Tim Bradbury - President

Phone:  713-826-2150
Email:  Timchopper@aol.com

Ron Clyburn - VP
Email: ronc77351@gmail.com

Tricia Bradbury - Secretary
& Newsletter
Phone: 713-253-9023
Email: Triciabrad35@yahoo,com

Bill Hitt -

Meeting Minutes

May 2024

May 2018

April 2018

March 2018

February 2018

January 2018


Year in Review - 2022

January 2019

GNR July 2018

May 2018

March 2018

February 2018

November 2017


Chapter By Laws


Membership Application

Photo From BBT March Meeting at Lake Athens

Who Are We

The Bluebonnet Travelers (BBT's) are a group of Winnebago Industries Coach Owners, some retired and some still working, who meet at a designated camping facility once a month.

We usually eat at a local restaurant one night with Saturday breakfast and dinner hosted by one or two member coaches. Fun and fellowship seems to always follow us.


To promote fellowship, friendship and fun among all members, to foster and develop recreational, social and travel opportunities for the enjoyment, pleasure and use of the members and to encourage gatherings and outings on local, state, provincial and international levels.

To recommend improvements in travel facilities wherever the need exists; to bring these recommendations before the proper state or national agencies; to press for action until the improvements have been made.

To provide for a frequent interchange of travel ideas, and to take part in educational programs which improve the public knowledge of travel

To cooperate with all other organizations which are working toward the conservation of our natural resources.

To plan group rallies, weekend trips and promote safe travel.

To assist in protecting member's rights as a private RV owner.

Upcoming Events Schedule

View and Print a Copy Here

Updated: March 27, 2022